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Musiur Alam Opu

Software Enigneer - Github - Linkedin- CV

Technical Proficiencies with

2+ years of experience as a software engineer having responsibilities from frontend and backend.

Technologies I use JS (ES6), React, Next JS, Gatsby, Svelte, Tailwind CSS, SASS/SCSS, Restful APIs and Integration, Redux, Git & Github, Yarn, Npm, pnpm, Figma, HTML5, Node JS, Express JS, MongoDB, Jira etc.

Understanding of design fundamentals, project management and problem solving.

Experiences and responsibilities

Avalon Hosting Services Ltd. (24 July 2021 - 1 July 2022)

Junior Software Engineer

Educational qualification

BSc in Computer Science and Engineer

North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

1 Jan, '20 - 1 Jan, '24 (Expected)